23 - 26 May 2025
23 - 26
Andrew Swaine

Andrew Swaine

Andrew will be calling/teaching Balfolk, English, American, and Mixed folk dance events.

Andrew has been dancing since he was little — and he's very tall now! He calls for most genres of English country dancing, including ceilidh, American contra, Playford and modern country dances at all levels written since the revival in the early 20th century. He is one of the few callers who is well-respected in Ceilidh, Contra and Playford circles alike, and has done considerable research into the early Playford dances. He also plays piano accordion, writes dance tunes (mostly in the balfolk style) and dances with Boggart's Breakfast Morris. He lives in Sheffield with his wife Daisy Black, also an experienced caller

Programme for Andrew Swaine:

Fri 23rd May 202519:30-22:30Mixed DanceSt Paul'sDouble Dichotomy
Sat 24th May 202514:00-15:30Balfolk Dance WorkshopRiverbankSawney White Bird
Sat 24th May 202515:45-17:15Balfolk Dance WorkshopRiverbankSawney White Bird
Sun 25th May 202513:00-13:40Callers' RoundRiverbank
Sun 25th May 202517:30-19:25Zesty Playford DanceSports HallCrowdy Kit
Mon 26th May 202509:30-11:00American Dance WorkshopNeeldHoik!
Mon 26th May 202515:45-17:15American Dance WorkshopSports HallWillPower