23 - 26 May 2025
23 - 26
Great Western Morris

Great Western Morris

Coming on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday

Great Western Morris are from Exeter. They started up in the late 1960s and have been dancing continuously ever since. In 1979 a founder member wrote “We consider ourselves to be dancers who entertain with “The Morris” rather than just being morris dancers, preferring to entertain in the open air with morris dances, morris humour and by involving the audience in the morris ‘magic’ at every opportunity. ‘Performance Morris’ remains their aim. They work hard on dancing well and honouring a living tradition, but first and foremost they set out to engage, amuse, and entertain.

Programme for Great Western Morris:

Sat 25th May 202420:00-24:00CeilidhSports HallMelrose Ceilidh Quintet (Caller), Nick Walden (Ceilidh Caller)