23 - 26 May 2025
23 - 26



  • The site opens at 10:00 Friday 23rd May 2025 and shuts at 11:00 Tuesday 27th May 2025.
  • Our campsite layout ensures an Ambulance/Fire Engine can get to you in an Emergency and aims to prevent fires spreading rapidly between units.
  • There is a Fire Call Point part way up the slope - Keep a fire bucket next to your unit.
  • Drive very slowly (5 mph).
  • Vehicle movement restrictions will be in place in the case of bad weather.
  • Take special care when hitching up caravans at the end of the festival.
  • Recycling – please follow the instructions.
  • Put waste water/empty WCs in the disposal tank provided NOT IN THE RIVER or Olympiad.


The site opens at 10:00 on Friday 23rd May 2025.
If you have arrived before then, we may need to move you to suit our setting out. The site shuts at 11:00 on Tuesday 27th May 2025. Please ensure you are clear by then.

The Layout
- To ensure 3m fire breaks and 6m roads please keep within the space allocated to you. All spaces are laid out with the caravan (or camper) located at the edge nearest the Olympiad, then towing vehicle, then a 3m fire break. Any other vehicles must park off site. Pup tents must be within your area whilst still maintaining a 3m fire break. If you are not happy with your spot, come and talk to us, please don’t move without our agreement.

Fire Precautions
- Please keep a full bucket of water outside your caravan / tent. A Fire Call Point is located a short way up the slope about halfway along the site. Fire Extinguishers are kept at the Warden’s Caravan. Additional fire points may be provided elsewhere.

Drive Slowly (5mph)
- Please drive slowly. Do not spin your wheels, if you get stuck, ask for help.  Take special care to drive steadily on the hill as you leave. There is a potential risk of grounding at the very top of the hill, please ensure that caravans are properly hitched.

Vehicle Movement Restrictions
- If the recent weather has been wet we may ban all unauthorised vehicle movements. If you want to use your car during the weekend please take it off site as soon as you have unhitched / unloaded and return only to collect your caravan when leaving the festival. Why not ask us for a spot near the entrance? Camper vans - if you need to ‘commute’ please discuss this with us on arrival. Bands/Dance Teams & Craft Fair Stall holders please talk to us.

Vehicle Movement Restrictions
- If the recent weather has been bad, we may ban all unauthorised vehicle movements. If you want to use your car during the weekend please take it off site as soon as you have unhitched / unloaded and return only to collect your caravan when leaving the festival. Why not ask us for a spot near the entrance? Camper vans - if you need to ‘commute’ please discuss this with us on arrival. Bands/Dance Teams & Craft Fair Stall holders please talk to us.
Contacting You
– We will give you a number to put in your vehicle or to attach to your tent and ask you to provide us with a contact phone number. We’ll use these to contact you during the festival if the need arises.

- Please put your rubbish in the skips / recycling facilities provided and leave your corner of the site tidy, if you need a bin bag please just ask.

Empty WCs / Waste Water
- Please empty this waste into the waste disposal tank, this is on the flat ground at the bottom of the hill at the NYFTE end of the campsite - Do not use the river or The Olympiad.

Drinking Water
is available at the standpipe at the bottom of the entrance track.

There are public WC’s (behind the Golf Kiosk where you can also get a cup of tea or a snack) will hopefully be open throughout the weekend as usual. Please try to keep them clean, respect other users and let us know if they need servicing. In addition there is an accessible “portaloo” by the waste tank.

- We expect to be able to use the Olympiad dry side showers as usual, in the mornings earliest access is usually via the top entrance.

Safety & Security
- We’ve not had many problems in the past but please be vigilant and if you see anyone acting suspiciously (if you can tell them apart from the rest of us!) please let us know. Please carry your festival pass at all times. We shall do our best with the festival organisers to ensure your safety and security.

In extreme circumstances, we reserve the right to refuse/withdraw permission to use the caravan site.

No vehicle movements after 10pm
– If you need to leave the festival after dark, please ask for assistance from our stewards who will guide you out.

We hope you enjoy the festival
- If you have any questions or comments during or after the festival please let us know. We look forward to seeing you again with your friends next year.

Many Thanks. Charlotte Pascoe on behalf of NYFTE and the Chippenham Folk Festival

Hitching Up Checklist

  • Turn off the gas at the cylinder.
  • Empty the fresh- and waste-water containers and clean out any toilet cassette in an appropriate place.
  • Check the caravan’s windows and roof lights are closed, internal doors and cupboards are closed, loads are safely secured and the external door is locked.
  • Check the caravan handbrake is on and chock the wheels if you are on a slope.
  • Lower the jockey wheel and lock in place.
  • Raise the corner steadies.
  • Check the caravan’s noseweight.
  • Adjust the hitch height so it goes above the car’s towball.
  • Remove the towball cover on the car’s towball.
  • Reverse your car to the caravan.
  • Secure the hitch onto the towball – most hitches have a red disc which raises to reveal a green ring when correctly connected.
  • Check the hitch is secure by using the jockey wheel to raise the car by about an inch to make sure it is properly coupled.
  • Stow the jockey wheel ensuring the wheel is well clear of the ground and the lever is tightened.
  • Connect the electrical plug(s) and the stabiliser system, if it’s fitted, making sure the cables will not drag or pull as the car turns.
  • Attach the breakaway cable or secondary coupling.
  • Release the caravan handbrake and remove any chocks.
  • Check the road lights and indicators are working.
  • Pull clear of the pitch and check the area for anything left behind.